You must present your card before accessing the deal. You will need personal ID as well as your card to access the deal and if someone else is using your card, it can be confiscated. The cost to reclaim a confiscated card is £10. Your card is not accepted as Proof of Age. Permits one person per card unless stated otherwise. Only the cardholder is permitted to use the card. If there is ever any confusion, please speak to a manager or event manager politely. Not to be used in conjunction with other offers.
Welcome to the Popworld Party!
Join us as we play the biggest pop tunes from modern pop as well as throwbacks to the 90’s, 00’s in Bournemouth.
Celebrating something special? Get in contact today to book our fabulous party packages to celebrate in style.
Ain’t no party like a Popworld Party!
A-List student card is the biggest student discount company in Bournemouth. We are here to support students and help people save money.
Website by Absolute Websites