Your card must be presented/made known to staff before booking. Permits one person per card unless stated otherwise. Only the cardholder is permitted to use the card. Not to be used in conjunction with other offers, only one offer may be used at a time.
Metal Fatigue Piercing Studio offers state of the art hospital sterilization techniques, which determine the highest level of hygiene, and peace of mind. Ensuring a safe and satisfied customer. Our piercers present each customer with a professional service and meet the highest possible standards set by Bournemouth Council and the Global Body Modification community.
Metal Fatigue Piercing Studio pride themselves on their aftercare advice and are always on hand to answer and deal with any piercing queries. Under 18’s must show a valid form of ID, and under 16’s must be accompanied by their parent or guardian when at the piercing clinic.
A-List student card is the biggest student discount company in Bournemouth. We are here to support students and help people save money.
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